The NeuroPLAYstic Way
What is NeuroPLAYsticity?
Beginning at the start - Neuro refers to neurons, the nerve cells that are the building blocks of the brain and nervous system. Thus, neuroplasticity is when nerve cells change or adjust. Plasticity refers to the brain's malleability, which is defined as being "easily influenced, trained, or controlled."
Neuroplasticity, also known as brain plasticity, is a term that refers to the brain's ability to change and adapt as a result of our experiences.
NeuroPLAYsticity is about using play to create changes in the brain and, in turn, in the body & nervous system. With a neuroPLAYstic approach, we can create lasting shifts in perspective, beliefs, emotions and habits, all while having fun.
The NeuroPLAYstic Way isn’t just about doing playful things, it’s a way of being, thinking and approaching life.
How is The NeuroPLAYstic Way used?
NeuroPLAYsticity can help us to
diffuse and rewire negative emotions, changing our mental and emotional response
solve problems creatively, easily and intuitively
create strong social bonds and reinvigorate relationships
improve communication and compassion
manifest our desired outcomes
and much much more!
It can be used solo, one on one, in teams, groups and crowds, online and offline. I use the NeuroPLAYstic approach in my coaching, workshops, programs, laughter sessions and other offerings.
How did this approach come into being?
Like many good things, this approach was realised, grown and developed over time.
Since 2013 I’ve delved into trainings, workshops, retreats and books based on creating change, neuroscience and on the mind-body connection, among many other things, my fascination stemming from where medicine and science meet the “supernatural” and previously “impossible”.
My diploma in coaching covered techniques and philosophies from Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP), Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (CBT), Narrative Therapy and Solution-Focused Coaching. I always loved the imaginative, emotive and solution-focused techniques best, and found that they created the greatest change within my clients. From 2014 to 2018, I trained in Laughter Yoga, Laughter Wellness and Laughnosis - which combined NLP & Laughter and opened my eyes to the potential for creating deep unconscious change using laughter and language. From the Laughnosis course forward, I used laughter increasingly in my coaching and training, and found powerful results.
In 2020, I began studying Quantum Play™, a methodology that aligns body, mind, and spirit — bringing together cutting edge research from neurophysiology, developmental psychology, energy medicine, quantum science, integral theory, and spirituality for an integrated, holistic approach to high performance and human potential. This furthered the fusion I had started using after training in Laughnosis, but cranked the play-dial (and the results) higher than before.
After my own severe burnout in 2021, I delved into Rewire by Vital-Side, a program that uses a psychoneuroimmunological approach, retraining the limbic brain and bringing the body and nervous system into a state of growth and repair. I widened my knowledge about how our thoughts and feelings (psych) influence our brain and nervous system (neuro) temper the body’s disease-fighting mechanisms (immunology). I also started playing in and with my healing practice, and found the journey out of burnout, anxiety & insomnia enjoyable and empowering.
Lindsay, the founder of Vital-Side also saw the need for more fun, ease and joy for self-healers. Having trained in medicine, worked 4 years in the “brain-retraining” space and having healed herself from Lyme Disease through neuroplastic techniques, she saw rigidity, perfectionistic tendencies and all-or-nothing attitudes making healing a long and difficult process for many. She approached me - the well-known laughter leader who was often talking about neurons and rewiring the mind - to create something new. Together we created Elevate: Brain Retraining 2.0, and Regulation Station. Through these offerings, I began working with people who were using programs like Vital-Side’s Rewire, DNRS, Gupta Program, ANS Rewire and Lightning Process, helping them to bring more passion, play and purpose back into their lives (often after months or years of chronic symptoms).
I owe thanks to Lindsay, as she saw the brilliance in my approach and its perfect fit in this space (well before I’d gotten over my fear of being a leader in what I saw as a neurosciencey-medical world)!
I’ve experimented and explored for more than five years, using laughter and play in my coaching, retreats and workshops, in private sessions, group mentoring sessions, workshops in workplaces, programs and, probably most importantly, in my own life. The more I used laughter and play with clients over the years, the more they found joy and ease in processes like healing from chronic pain, in releasing deeply rooted beliefs, in making “difficult” decisions.
In 2022, I fell in love with the term “neuroplaysticity”, as it summed up what I love about working with others - having fun while creating real change.
Experience the NeuroPLAYstic way for yourself through:
- Laughter Sessions & Playshops
- Private Coaching
- Taking your brain retraining to the next level
- Resources and a community for your nervous system regulation