FEB Laughter Wellness - Mona Vale

FEB Laughter Wellness - Mona Vale

Join us for an interactive laughter session where you can:

  • Feel good and boost your mood

  • Reduce stress and anxiety

  • Bring your mind, body and nervous system back into balance

All while connecting with other amazing humans from across Sydney and having a fantastic time!



A mindful practice designed to boost and sustain positive energy and spark laughter. Sessions include rhythmic, laughter and breathing exercises, plus exercises to create positive energy and emotions (such as gratitude, pride, acceptance, love). We end with a laughter meditation and grounding exercise, moving from that excited high to that blissful buzz.

Sessions typically leave participants feeling relaxed, energised and empowered with tools to activate more positive ways of thinking, feeling and being.

Our sessions will end with a social cup of tea. 

WARNING - Side effects may include:

- a smile that lasts well beyond the session

- improved immune function, blood circulation and sleep

- more mental clarity, calm and creativity, AND MORE... 

Full details and booking CLICK HERE

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I can email you when I have something fun on - whether it’s in person or online!